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關於封閉世界和推測性遭遇的筆記 李雨潔鄭文琦 (中譯)
September 12th, 2022
面向旭日,或有色演算法 致穎Musquiqui ChyingHenry Zhang (Trans.)
April 6th, 2022
​This is an old piece of photographic film whose colors have been corrected in an eerie fashion, but which nevertheless records two activists dear to me. In the picture, one can see W.E.B. Du Bois, wh...
There’s a mountain of bricks. It spreads out like a flower blossom. It stretches to the sky, to devour the sun. It is very far away. It looks ominous and fearsome. It pretends to be a pure and flawles...
Born into a poor family in which the parents are overwhelmed by work, a little boy can only go out with a young female ghost who died in an accident. The impoverishment of the family forces the father...