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Art-in-Production 2: Yao, Lee-chun + Au Sow-yee
(見面會15) 生產(中)的藝術2:姚立群+區秀詒
April 22nd, 2016類型: Event

「生產(中)的藝術2:姚立群+區秀詒」啟發自熟悉的馬來西亞觀光局推廣的官方口號:「Malaysia Truly Asia」(馬來西亞,真正亞洲),這裡所謂的「真正亞洲」是指什麼?2016年四月數位荒原推出豪華跨國組合:牯嶺街小劇場的姚立群館長與馬來西亞藝術家區秀詒。兩人將以接力/問答/脫口秀/照片簡報方式,以真實的吉隆坡「百代照相館」為中心,沿途探勘是否可能釐清一種「真正的」亞洲面貌。這一路鋪陳的「製圖」(mapping)所涉及的關鍵詞,還包括軍警、國安相關法令、戲院街、歌手華怡保、新村等諸多歷史的後場;最後一路展開的旅程能否折返回自身?(編按:〈百代照相館〉也是2015年牯嶺街小劇場舉行的區秀詒個展《居所與他方:影像測量計劃》其中一件作品,該展由策展人郭昭蘭所策畫,也是「EX!T 6 第六屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展」的唯一項目。)

關鍵字:#TrulyAsia #Malaysia #區秀詒 #姚立群 #百代PakTai #吉隆坡 #KL #馬來西亞觀光

Yao Lee-chun was born in Taiwan in 1965. Theatre director, producer and festival director as well as film researcher and curator. He took over as the director of Body Phase Studio from Mr. Mo-lin Wang in 2007 and has been as Director of Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre (GLT) since 2008. Over the past ten years, he has produced / curated several theatre events including Taiwan International Performance Art Festival (TIPAF), Sixth Sense in Performance Arts Festival, the only international performing arts festival for/of the disable in Taiwan, and Guling Street Little Theatre Arts Festival. He has produced several acclaimed plays in Taiwan, France, Korea, Macau and Mainland China. Since 2009, he has hosted a workshop project on physical theater in cooperation with various artists and visually impaired performers. Besides, he is a member of Asia Meets Asia collaboration project and co-founder of the Experimental Media Art Festival in Taiwan.

區秀詒,生長於馬來西亞,目前生活與工作於台北。畢業自文化大學戲劇系,舊金山藝術學院(San Francisco Art Institute)電影研究所。區秀詒的創作主要以錄像、觀念、裝置等混合形式,探討和擴延影像與影像製造以及和歷史、政治、權力之間的關係。她近期著重於關注把歷史從冷戰結構的影響解放出來,重新想像尤其是馬來西亞與東南亞(和其臨近)區域的歷史問題意識。同時她也延續對影像生成機製的關注,以機械式電影放映機作現場電影(Live Cinema)表演。她也是《燧火評論》和《數位荒原》駐站/特約作者。
Au Sow-yee was born and grew up in Malaysia; currently lives and works in Taipei. Graduated from Chinese Culture University (Taiwan) majored in theatre arts and attained her M.F.A degree from San Francisco Art Institute (U.S.A). Her works focuses mainly in questioning, exploring as well as expanding the relation between images, image making, history, politics and power, through video installation and other mediums. Sow-Yee’s recent and future works explore the re-imagined history of Malaysia, South-east Asia and its related region aside from perceptions and ideologies bounded by the Cold War. Meanwhile, she also continues her interest in image making mechanism, creating live cinema performance using self-made mechanism and mechanical film projectors. Sow-Yee is also one of the resident writer for online magazine Promethean Fire Review and No Man’s Land.

主講 姚立群(Yao, Lee-chun)/ 區秀詒(Au, Sow-yee)
活動時間 2016年 04月 29日 19:30-21:30