4. The end of Merono
Gean Moreno constructs an inorganic scenery of future (the Grey Goo scenario), or an allegorical reading. What he considers in “‘Notes on the Inorganic, Part I: Accelerations” is beyond the accurate time of the end; the symbolic system of capitalism (replibots). From the lifeless scenario that is supposed to come, he points out, the unrestricted license of mankind to devastate had been rationalized reversely.
3. The end of “A better Summer Day”
TENG Chao-ming draws from the representation of a period in Taiwan’s history in his work, regarding the inevitable destination as a starting point, to make his own paradoxical conclusion of reasoning. While the scene is based on fiction (A Brighter Summer Day), how can the process be possible as reasoning backward? Is it an idealistic rebellion? On the contrary to this historical narrative, those who are inspired to be the treasure seekers in the digital era navigate the “invisible waterways”. (Crush on EMU) Which is said by the curator, it’s not about getting rid of, but trying to become oneself.
2: …of the time that remains
…those artist make the scenes and shape the consciousness depending on the operational time. While numerous scenarios have been created over the past decades, it’s the very time been manipulated on screens. (MV or movies) Everything that happened before can happen again in the theater. Such as the remnant of the memories to the scenes left by the performer, on the stages of “Emptied Memories” and “Off the Map”, yet the remaining digital space is saturated now with the feelings of “being in the time”. Whatever cannot be captured or spotted comes to you again in this no man’s land.
1. The end of the emptied memories
The dancer’s gesture lit in the dark; is it a calling of the remembrance? From where he/she stands in the space surrounded by emptiness, the dancer regards the remembrance distantly. How can one leave the past he came from? Perhaps our destination is already written in the past we had been through, yet not happen. (“Everything has a beginning, that has an end”, the Oracle said in “the Matrix”)
舞者在黑暗裡被照亮的手勢,是在召喚著記憶嗎?他所置身的空無,又是如何成為與他所召喚的記憶遙遙相對的存在?也許我們的結局早已包含在我們的起點之中(如同先知在駭客任務裡的預言:Everything has a beginning, that has an end)。
0. The scene of the end
Jean-Francois Lyotard composed a scenario foreseeing an apocalyptic end time that was based on scientific research. Now we turn our attention to Walter Benjamin’s angle of history, who looks toward the past, but cannot stop his ceaseless flight backward toward the future owing to the violent storm of progress. The angle of history is a metaphor showing us how to resist the linear storm of time. If there is truly an end of our world and we seek for a messianic redemption, Benjamin tells us messianic is not the end of time, but the time of the end. The writer of “Messianic inversion” will be discussing ‘how to take time to the end’ and which might be an urgent question of our time.
與其相信後現代主義哲學家李歐塔(Jean-Francois Lyotard)為我們譜寫的太陽毀滅劇本,是一個有科學根據的天啟版本,這裡不如看看班雅明如何用一個名為進步的風暴將我們吹進未來的背對姿態,去為一個必然的剩餘時間寫下註腳與對抗的姿態。因為彌賽亞並非時間的終止,而是終止的時間(messianic is not the end of time, but the time of the end);如果祂存在的話,〈彌賽亞逆轉〉的作者告訴我們,如何到達終點才是我們所該關心的話題⋯