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Total 140 posts
During my residency in Taipei, I have been looking for archives and references on the connection of Indonesia and Taiwan, both historically and contemporary. This search had brought me to museums and ...
As an important cultural research institution in Yogyakarta, KUNCI Cultural Studies Center is located in a crowded southern district of Yogyakarta like any other art organizations. It is hidden in an ...
World Map The world map captured through the lens seemed a bit deformed – Asia and Africa, especially the regions near the equator, were not as elongated as we would normally expect. There were many t...
The Voiceover List (for this excerpt) 1. Main narrator, Sulastri: Nuning 2. Quotes: Dina, Ferdi 3. Instruction: Damayanti 4. Suwarsih’s ending: Gita POINT ONE STAND IN FRONT OF SULASTRI’S ...
Some are suspicious of the Tilapia, especially on how it is farmed, whether it is safe to eat, and if the rumours that surrounding it are true. What we do agree on is that it tastes good and it is ine...
Kitartb is an alternative bookshop, which I started in Kota Bharu since May 13th 2016. I use the term “alternative” because there are existing bookshops in Kelantan but they mostly sell books to stude...
AU Sow Yee: Rumah Attap Library & Collective looks to vitalize local knowledge production or critical thinking, and has fine interaction with different organizations in the Zhongshan Building, as ...
Alice KO Nien Po: Please share a bit on the motive and background of your founding of Rumah Attap Library & Collective? SHOW Ying Xin: From 2008 to around 2013, 2014, Malaysia went through much po...
一隻吳郭魚的冒險:從許願池到魚塭 侯昱寬 (訪談)Hoo Fan Chon (translator)
September 20th, 2017
HYK: Having to run an independent space, and to work as a curator and artist(註1), yet this time you are invited specifically as an artist, what’s your take on the multiple roles you have to perf...