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Filter By sound-scene , Total 66 posts
Living Sound – Expanding the Extramusical (referred as “Living Sound” below), curated by Lai Yi-Hsin Nicole, is a small-scale sound exhibition preseted at the the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Ta...
Sound Scene
March 15th, 2020
Consider harnessing sound as a way of interpreting the universe, relationships, changes, and the here and now; a process wherein an exploration of cosmopolitics is implicit; a sublimation technique to...
The Plane of Consistency and the Body without Organ What is a body without organs? Rewind. All of Deleuze’s philosophy is an effort to construct a post-theological, naturalist ontology that reconceive...
The Twilight Zone, Brunei Ever since I entered Brunei through the sea, a country that was split into two geographically, close to the equator, extracted petroleum, the fourth wealthiest country in the...