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Filter By translation , Total 47 posts
1990:洛杉磯,〈金色大地〉 Felix Gonzalez-TorresFutoshi Miyagi (選文)林冠妤 (翻譯)
October 25th, 2016
1990: Already ten years into trickle down economics, a rise in cynicism, growing racial and class tension, and the widening gap between the very rich and the rest of us. Los Angeles before the riots o...
On 28 March 1958, the biggest traffic jam in Singapore’s history took place along the eleven-and-a-half-mile stretch of Bukit Timah Road and Jurong Road, west of the city. The occasion was the o...
September 20th, 2016
Isabell Lorey選譯—治理術與自我遊動化 戚育瑄 (翻譯)林書全 (校訂)
August 27th, 2016
Patrick D. Flores—東南亞藝術的歷史與今天 Patrick D. Flores吳伯山 (翻譯)
March 21st, 2016
致聽者:如何聽尚-克勞德.艾洛瓦的音樂 Jean-Claude Éloy謝仲其 (翻譯)李岳凌 (翻譯)
Sound Scene , Translation
July 9th, 2015
To Edwin Lo Sound, textures, energies Above all, music is about sound, a sound and acoustic entity in the broader meaning of the term, which can be very complex and go beyond the mere concept of...
Jan Verwoert選譯—動物主義綜論 Jan Verwoert王聖智翻譯
June 11th, 2015