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Total 140 posts
敬廣播:來自往昔的聲音 Vidya MurthyJermaine Huang白斐嵐 (Translator)
Sound Scene
July 7th, 2020
Radio, when it first arrived, produced a unique acoustic space and created a new aural experience. Like other colonial technologies such as the gramophone and cinema, it created a new and distinct for...
李奎壁:鑽石島小典 李奎壁鍾宜庭 (英譯)
June 2nd, 2020
Koh Pich (Diamond Island) is a sedimentary land located in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh. Its formation was due to the Mekong river and Basa river’s alluvium and the change of flow directions. The fir...
Chinese Muslims in Indonesia (2007–2009) My interest in the Chinese Muslims in Indonesia stems from a general fascination with the long- standing Chinese communities of Southeast Asia. While my known ...
余曉冰:植物盲與遷徙者 Candice Jee陳政道 (翻譯)
Art Production
May 8th, 2020
Once, returning to the mountain, I realised that Axiang and Amay had used cut weeds and leftover food to add to the garden bed, as they must have observed me doing. The garden bed looked very full, ri...
Living Sound – Expanding the Extramusical (referred as “Living Sound” below), curated by Lai Yi-Hsin Nicole, is a small-scale sound exhibition preseted at the the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Ta...
Gabriele de Seta選譯—人工智能的中國 Gabriele de Seta 鄭文琦 (翻譯)
April 27th, 2020
From the second half of the 2010s, artificial intelligence has become a major hype across Chinese tech industries, venture capital investment and government policy. The BAT national champions (Baidu, ...
I. Domestication Upon entering the main space of Wu Chuan-Lun’s solo exhibition, No Country for Canine, on view in the third-floor gallery of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM), audience first saw th...
This is not the first time Chew Win Chen (Okui Lala) delves into language as a subject of discussion for her art work. Her previous work titled “My Language Proficiency” (2017) explored individuality ...
Sound Scene
March 15th, 2020
Consider harnessing sound as a way of interpreting the universe, relationships, changes, and the here and now; a process wherein an exploration of cosmopolitics is implicit; a sublimation technique to...