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Total 140 posts
Sound Scene
May 3rd, 2019
The best way to mute crows is to shoot them. The sudden and stimulating noise of guns can also psychologically suppress the survivors. And nobody will have any sympathy for the carrion once you announ...
調頻寶藏巖:嘉比.夏弗納與台北花園電台 Gabriele de Seta 鄭文琦 (翻譯)
Sound Scene
May 1st, 2019
This track is about laundromats, it was commissioned by Taiwan Women Theatre Festival. I was invited to do an installation with two of my friends, and we could choose any area of the National Theater,...
超自然投資部門(白皮書) Ismal Muntaha鄭文琦 (翻譯)
Art Production
April 18th, 2019
In the foreword of Frequently Asked Questions On Investment, the chairman of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal or BKPM) claimed that the Indonesian economy cont...
The South China Sea I Saw with My Two Eyes ...
While a highway and a new airport were being built, Jatiwangi was still with its rural landscape in 2014. Dump trucks swirled a huge dust cloud like an emperor’s army marched; people were like small m...
張恩滿蝸牛系列之探究:爬行痕跡中的階級品味 Chang, En-Man Tsai Mu-jung (translator)Hoo Fan Chon (proofreader)
Art Production
March 10th, 2019
From 2009 to 2013, I have completed a series of 6 snail-themed art projects, which engaged cooking as a point of departure to expand the notions of savour, flavour and delight. These notions can be su...
Rikey Tenn: The Nusantara Archive tends to invite artists from different countries. You have been to Taiwan four times yet this is our first interview. Many questions can be raised regarding the “KANT...
Sylvie Lin: Your early works often revolved around one single element (light, sound, etc.). Then you moved toward installations of multiple media through certain cultural anthropological approaches wi...
《聯覺共振》:故障美學的頑強抵抗 Gabriele de Seta 陳琳琳 (翻譯)鄭文琦 (審稿)
Sound Scene
January 16th, 2019
Outside the darkened hall, two young women are taking graduation photos on instant cameras, while scattered cosplayers are striking poses on the concrete steps. It’s a cloudy but warm afternoon in mid...