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Chiang, Ling-ching

(Jul, 1983 ~ Jan, 2015) Ph.D. in History of Art and Film, University of Leicester, U.K. Winner of many literature and art critics awards in Taiwan. Expertise in aesthetic relationship of art, cinema and architecture.


戴上耳機,尋常的街景就忽然變得不太一樣,面貌平凡的人們也忽然像是電影裡的角色,戴著耳機的自己也終於感覺到了一股戲劇張力的蔓延—這不是催眠術,也不是任何化學物質造成的幻象,而是說故事的技巧被當代媒體混音後的成果。活躍於諸多媒體藝術節的奧地利藝術家漢格(Oliver Hangl),向來注意戲劇、電影與新...