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Mapping History, Imageology of the Islands: AU Sow Yee + Chou, Yu-ling
(見面會17) 歷史製圖,鍊島顯影:區秀詒+周郁齡
January 1st, 2017類型: Event



在「荒原見面會17:歷史製圖,鏈島顯影」裡, 荒原邀請到來賓周郁齡與《現實秘境》藝術家區秀詒,分別以歷史製圖誌作為導航,透過一來一回的對談演練,於(大寫)歷史敘事和歷史年鑑學派穩定地誌的時間感知所掩埋的(歷史/影像)時間裂隙之中,試圖揭示個人記憶及其碎片所開啟的交錯路徑與省思。透過這樣的過程,鏈結個人記憶系統索引、具有地理面向的歷史,並重新反視「亞洲歷史中的心靈狀態」。(「歷史製圖,鍊島顯影:區秀詒+周郁齡」為「數位荒原」與《現實秘境》展覽合作之相關座談項目。《現實秘境》是由立方計劃空間與耿藝術文化基金會聯合主辦,鄭慧華策展。




CHOU Yuling is a researcher and curator, finished her PhD in Humanities and Cultural Studies at the London Consortium, Birkbeck. She started her interests in moving images when studied in UK. In 2015 she curated “Kao Chung-li: A Man with Moving Images” at Pletz gallery, London. She is currently based in Taiwan.


區秀詒,成長於馬來西亞,目前生活與工作於台北並經常往返馬來西亞與台灣。畢業自文化大學戲劇系,舊金山藝術學院(San Francisco Art Institute)電影研究所。其創作主要以錄像、觀念、裝置等混合形式,探討和擴延影像與影像製造以及和歷史、政治、權力之間的關係。她近期著重於關注如何把歷史從冷戰結構的影響解放出來,重新想像尤其是馬來西亞與東南亞(和其臨近)區域的歷史問題意識。同時她也延續對影像生成機製的關注,以機械式電影放映機作現場電影(Live Cinema)表演。 作品曾在上海外灘美術館、新加坡國際電影節、韓國首爾國際實驗電影節、曼谷實驗電影節、美國Hallwalls當代藝術中心 、 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展、牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節等展覽與電影節發表。她同時是2010、2011以及2016 KLEX 吉隆坡國際實驗電影與錄像節選片人;也擔任「燧火評論」和「數位荒原」的特約作者。

Au Sow-Yee, born and grew up in Malaysia. She is now based in Taipei and Kuala Lumpur. Graduated from Chinese Culture University (Taiwan) majored in theatre arts and attained her M.F.A degree from San Francisco Art Institute (U.S.A). Her works focuses mainly in questioning, exploring as well as expanding the relation between images, image making, history, politics and power, through video installation and other mediums. Her recent works focus on re-imagined history of Malaysia, South-east Asia and it’s related region from perceptions and ideologies bounded by the Cold War. Meanwhile, she also continues her interest in image making mechanism, creating live cinema performance using self-made mechanism and mechanical film projectors. Her works were exhibited in Shanghai Rockbund Art Museum, Singapore Film Festival, official selection of Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul(ExiS), Bangkok Experimental Film and Video Festival, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Centre (U.S.A), New York Squeeky Wheels Video Festival and various other exhibitions and screenings. She was the co-founder/ curator for KLEX (Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Video Festival) in 2010, 2011 and 2016. She is also one of the guest writers for Promethean Fire Review and No Man’s Land.

主講 區秀詒/ 周郁齡
活動時間 2017年 01月 08日 14:00-16:00PM