Note: Recently, with the advent of Post-Fordism environment that features knowledge and innovation intensive production, there have be extensive discussions and various publications on immaterial labor, and much “confrontational” production oriented on labor in arts, across domestic and international arts field. In the aftermath of the aforementioned, this article attempts to draw connections between labor in arts, short-term intermittent employment, and “precarity” of life, and to further search for an artist’s’ position in between and the possibilities of the new relations between he/her and the environment.
Maurizio Cattelan, 6th Caribbean Biennal, 1999(匯聚一大群國際藝術家喬裝為加勒比海雙年展,實際上是集體海灘度假的藝術計劃)image courtesy of Maurizio Cattelan
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, WORK/TRAVAIL/ARBEID, 2015 (以工作的英法荷三語組成,點出跨領域、跨文化的合作成為當下新標準); image courtesy of artist
Maurizio Lazzarato
Mladen Stilinović, Artist at work (1977). courtesy of Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw