Note: Et@t, founded in 1995, happened to set its foot in “the third-generation Little Theater Movement”; in 2016, it launches its video archive website, and throws an event of “Viewsheds & Time Lapse: Screening of Theatres in the 1990s”, which includes a series of screenings about “Little Theatres in the 1990s” and “Et@t experimental radio station” on Dec. 17, 18, at Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre which is deeply connected with Taipei Little Theatre Alliance. If “time lapse” is about the reality of moving images/ a fundamental question about the screening moment in different contexts, how do we understand the the weight of evidence of archive as an method to re-visit a specific era?
〈視域與時差:90年代劇場檔案放映〉與談者(左至右):于善祿、陳梅毛、閻鴻亞、郭亮廷 left to right: Yu Shan-lu, Chen Mei-mo, Yen Hung-ya, Ko Liang-ting; courtesy of ET@T
〈視域與時差:90年代劇場檔案放映〉第一天播放紅綾金粉劇團檔案,圖左為吳大綱導演;courtesy of ET@T
檔案裡的陳梅毛(牯嶺街小劇場);courtesy of ET@T
如何想像1990年代的相濡以沫(攝於台南);courtesy of ET@T
1995空中破裂節;courtesy of ET@T
1995空中破裂節;courtesy of ET@T