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ISSUE 18 : Ir/relevant to War or Time
Carton-Box City
January 8th, 2015Type: Residency
Author: Chiang, Ling-ching Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《為何每當我們憶起心所愛的,眼底總是一陣風吹沙?》Part II 敘事與聲音
Note: The author wrote a short story "Carton City" for the Why does the wind whenever we remember loved ones?, the exhibition containing the visual and the audio works curated by Tsai, Jia-zhen. As the sound track to be read for the empty space in tamtamART Taipei during the exhibition, the protagonist of the story depicts a city in an extremely chaos and temporary state which reminded us somewhere not really far away.
tamtamART Taipei (2014, Dec); 蔡家榛提供
tamtamART Taipei (2014, Dec); 蔡家榛提供