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ISSUE 48 : The Interpreters’ Writing II: Across the Continent
Continent to Continent: Musings on Intercontinental Possibilities from The School of Mutants
March 1st, 2021Type: Opinion
Author: 莫奴 Editor: Takamori Nobuo
The library designed by the Senegalese architect Pierre Goudiaby Atepa for the Université du futur africain; photo courtesy of Hamedine Kane & Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro
Le Mutant d’Afrique (cover of the inaugural issue)
Hamedine Kane & Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro, The Manifesto of The School of Mutants, 2018
“The School of Mutants”, Installation view in Wang Da Hong House Theatre, 2020 Taipei Biennale