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ISSUE 20 : Language That Performs
Jan Verwoert: Against Interpretation
Jan Verwoert選譯—反 詮釋
March 25th, 2015Type: Translation
Author: Jan Verwoert, 蔡明君 (翻譯) Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: Frieze Issue, 7, 2012; translated by Tsai, Ming-chun
Note: Verwoert's "Against Interpretation" is originally published in Frieze Issue 7, 2012. How does Édouard Glissant's demand for opacity translate into art? Jan Verwoert explores opacity as a model for open communication – and outlines a history, which runs from Lygia Clark's sculptures to Trisha Donnelly's enigmatic films.
Chen, Yin-ju, 超距作用 (三頻道錄像裝置, 9'16"); 2015
Bonnie Camplin, Colonial Fanny (2007), image courtesy of artist & Cabinet, London)