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ISSUE 40 : A Nonnative Ecosystem
Map, Ridgeline, Quinine, and Trading of Formosan Aboriginal Artifacts
March 13th, 2019Type: Art Production
Author: 趙宜恬 Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: MoNTUE北師美術館
Note: The author of this article is Chao I-Tien, the organizer of exhibition UNIVERSITAS. In 2011, 14 university museums with respective features and characteristics in Kyoto Prefecture formed the University Museum Association of Kyoto, which co-organize UNIVERSITAS with MoNTUE in Taipei in 2018. Adopting three major theme, among which the collection of “Takasago” (Formosa) are exhibited under the category "Exotic Exploration," attracting Taiwanese audience among the 200 exhibits. They are served as the evidence in field studies, later becoming educational materials and collection of the museums.
left: 台灣地形地質礦產圖, 1910, 182.5×119cm, 台灣總督府民政部殖產局礦物課出版, 京都大學綜合博物館收藏; right: 1/200,000海軍省編 台灣油田地質概查圖, 1928, 226×116cm, 海軍省, 京都大學綜合博物館收藏; photo courtesy of Museum Association of Kyoto
台灣實驗林施業案2附錄地圖”, 1931, 京都帝國大學附屬演習林 (編成者: 沼田大學教授), 京都大學田野調查科學教育研究中心收藏; photo courtesy of Museum Association of Kyoto
“自見付駐在所向鳳崗山東方斜面眺望” (見附駐在所より鳳崗山東方斜面を望む), 1930年代京都大學台灣演習林玻璃乾版影像資料, 京都大學田野調查科學教育研究中心收藏; photo courtesy of Museum Association of Kyoto
木雕拼板舟模型模型; photo courtesy of Museum Association of Kyoto
兩名泰雅族男子明信片正面; photo courtesy of Museum Association of Kyoto
泰雅族的彎刀相當有特色, 刀背厚而鞘如魚身, 柄則以籐篾編織纏繞增加持握性, 泰雅男子外出都佩刀; photo courtesy of Museum Association of Kyoto
泰雅族貝珠銅鈴項飾; photo courtesy of Museum Association of Kyoto