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ISSUE 19 : Writing Down the Body and Time
Memos on Time within the Time: Time Photography of Marey
March 25th, 2015Type: Image
Author: Lee, Li-chun
Note: In the article "The Writing of Time out of Time", the author reviews people's sensation of "strangeness" and "unfamiliarity" while the"moment photography" was invented for the first time in the 19th century. By looking back the history in relation to how "chronophotography" has been used in physiological studies and the controversies caused by "chronophotography" in art and philosophy, the author tries to emphasize its presumption of "time" and pursuit of "efficiency" hidden behind this new image technology.
Étienne-Jules Marey, 時間攝影: 工作中的鐵匠 (1894)
Eadward Muybridge, 瞬間攝影: 動物運動 (1887)
Eadward Muybridge, 瞬間攝影: 動物運動 (1887)
Eadward Muybridge, 瞬間攝影: 馬匹奔跑 (1878-1881)
Étienne-Jules Marey, 時間攝影: 行走的人 (約1890)
Étienne-Jules Marey, 行走的人 (1886); 1883起他讓被攝者穿上黑色衣服, 只在關節, 軀幹, 四肢上標示上點與線, 仍用時間攝影的方式在同張圖版上以相同時間間隔重複曝光. 馬黑將這一系列紀錄點與線在時間中位移的相片為幾何攝影 (Photographie géométrique).
馬黑在1882年發明的攝影步槍 Le Fusil photographique