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ISSUE 31 : When Memories Collide
Necropolis For those Without Sleep: Interview with Bani Haykal
March 17th, 2017Type: Interview, Sound Scene
Author: Hsu, Fang-tze , Bani Haykal Editor: Rikey Tenn
Note: Bani Haykal experiments with text and music. His studies revolve around narratives, structured improvisation & spoken word. He is a member of OFFCUFF and b-quartet. An Associate Artist with The Substation, he has exhibited and performed internationally, as an artist and a musician, participating in festivals including Media/Art Kitchen (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Japan). He has been selected for the 2015 President’s Young Talents. In 2016, He was invited by Amy Cheng (the curator of Towards Mysterious Realities). This is an interview on his project "Necropolis For those Without Sleep", conducted by Hsu Fang-tze.
Bani Haykal, courtesy of artist.
P. Ramlee, Menceceh Bujang Lapok (1961)
Harry Belafonte, Banana Boat Song (Day O) (1956)
Bani Haykal, Necropolis For those Without Sleep (2015); photo courtesy of artist (藝術家開幕演出,《現實秘境》提供)
Bani Haykal, Necropolis For those Without Sleep (2015); photo courtesy of artist