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ISSUE 11 : Screening the Future
Possiblities of Interdisciplinary Digital Art Performance and Its Contradiction
August 27th, 2013Type: Performance
Author: Chiu, Chi-yung Editor: Rikey Tenn
Note: The interdisciplinary convergence of digital art and performance has established its achievement in recent years. However, most of performers reenact the limitation in utilizing digital art with traditional stages only. The 4th Digital Art Performance Award has nominated two pieces to broaden spectators’ horizons to allow new envisions.This article attempts to offer some re-considerations from the reflections of percussion and lecture performance respectively.
Allergen, 錯製現象—擊樂科技表演結合計畫 (2013); photo courtesy of Allergen
YiLab, 腦電波(2013); photo courtesy of YiLab