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Production of Body Images and Physical Labor: Review on Hou, I-Ting’s Sewing Fields
June 23rd, 2016Type: Image
Author: 吳嘉瑄 Editor: Rikey Tenn
Note: The author points out, with embroidery as an approach and content of the work, Hou, I-Ting embodies “art as an act” in her work through (physical) labor rather than merely producing body images. Her attempt reveals how artist (body) serves as an approach for art to transcend into an exuberant universal appeal.
侯怡亭, 易安詞意-1, 易安詞意-2, (4頻道錄像, 2016); photo courtesy of Hou, I-ting
侯怡亭, 複體—室內畫中不存在的身體, (數位影像輸出, 手工刺繡, 2011); photo courtesy of Hou, I-ting
侯怡亭, 代工繡場 (2015); photo courtesy of Hou, I-ting
侯怡亭, 代工繡場 (局部, 影像來自日治時期台灣的女子學校); photo courtesy of Hou, I-ting
侯怡亭, 易安詞意-1 (刺繡殘骸, 2016); photo courtesy of Hou, I-ting