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Note: "The interview Rendezvous with Bus Man a Decade Hence" is published in December 20, 2015 (Ming Pao Daily). In the aftermath of the Umbrella Movement, Pak Sheung Chuen undertook an in-depth self-criticism of artistic practice, which enabled him to re-examine previous projects. The re-visitation of art projects allowed him and participants to establish a reflexive organic relationship through archiving, making it possible for us to undertake direct confrontations between the ever-changing management systems and individuals in society. At the same time, the relationship between society and artistic practice is no longer simply dependent on the marketplace and ideologies: re-visitation has become an extension.
2005/6/19日刊於香港《明報》的作品〈熟悉的數字,陌生的電話〉;photo courtesy of artist
白雙全的筆記素描; photo courtesy of artist
2015/12/20日刊於香港《明報》的訪問〈與巴士先生十年後的約會〉;photo courtesy of artist