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The Insight in Digital Era: Lee, Po-Ting’s exhibition The Miniature System
October 3rd, 2013Type: Image
Author: Rikey Tenn Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《典藏今藝術》no.250
Note: The article introduces and reviews LEE, Bo-Ting's solo exhibition "The Miniature System" in DAC, Taipei, especially the presence of the material-based technology in his kinetic sculptures. LEE has an almost incurable disease known as Thalassemia, which is the inspiration for his creations.
LEE, Po-Ting, 癱瘓工程 (2013); photo courtesy of Lee, Po-ting
XOR, 死亡的過程, 2011數位藝術表演獎首獎; photo courtesy of XOR