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ISSUE 45 : THE SEASON OF RADIO: an overture
The Lapse of Time: Something about “Lan-Siu Theng-Chiam (Lasse De Broder)”
April 14th, 2020Type: Performance
Author: Rikey Tenn Editor: Wang, Kuan-ting
Quote From: 台新藝術基金會ARTalks
Approaching Theatre, "Lan-Siu Theng-Chiam (Lasse De Broder)"; photo: Chow Ling-Chih
The telephone and the Treaty of Shimonoseki (馬關條約)
Susumu Shima, “電波は躍進する (放送今昔物語)", in Taiwan Association for Communications Magazine No.3 (臺灣遞信協會雜誌), 1940; image courtesy of National Taiwan Library
The MP3 player and the headphone (headset)