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ISSUE 18 : Ir/relevant to War or Time
The Possibility of Reconstruction Raises from Death of Images
December 4th, 2014Type: Image
Author: Au Sow Yee Editor: Au Sow Yee
Quote From: 燧火評論 (2014)
Note: In contemporary society, moving images seems everywhere. But, forces behind the pulling and dragging between "reality" and "Illusion", weariness, vain and even death of image making and its discourse, and furthermore the elimination of energies revealed by image making as a battle or as the opposed, all these needed to be propelled. Could we construct the depth of culture and politics through image making device, or accept all the fast moving images that passed by without a single trace?
法國科學家Étienne-Jules Marey發明的攝影槍 (Photographic Rifle)
TzigaVertov, Man with a Movie Camera