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ISSUE 24 : How Lacking Sounds Become Events?
The Sense of Acousm(e)tre and Off-screen Space: Ho Tzu Nyen’s “Pythagoras”
December 24th, 2015Type: Image
Author: Hsu, Fang-tze Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《LEAP藝術界》2014年4月
Note: The author takes Pythagoras's pedagogical approach that delivers his doctrine behind the curtain as a point of departure in order to elaborates the audio theorist Michel Chion's proposal of “acousmêtre” that opens up the debate about musique concrète in France into the discursive category of “audio-vision” . By indicating the paradoxical entanglement between curtain & screen, the author provides a close reading of Ho Tzu Nyen’s multimedia installation Pythagoras (2014) & a close reading of Ho's aesthetic trope – curtain/screen – in both the artist’s Utama: Every Name in History (2003) and Pythagoras...
The Cloud of Unknown, Ho Zi Yen
Earth (2009), Ho Zi Yen
Gould (2013), Ho Zi Yen