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ISSUE 25 : Whose Party Is It Anyway?
Visions in the Bubbles: Perception and Experience of “Render Ghost”
活在泡泡中的視覺:〈Render Ghost〉的感知與經驗
February 16th, 2016Type: Performance
Author: Wang, Po-wei Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《藝術家》2016年1月號
Note: CBMI’s Render Ghost was awarded the first prize of 2015 Digital Art Performance Awards. The author, Po-Wei Wang, probes the frame of participants' corporeality by using Brian Massumi's ''Bubble'' to interpret the three types of "bubbles": of the visual, of the perception, and of the experience, which are offered by the production team and the space. Based upon this discourse, Wang elaborates on how the seen and the virtual worlds fail to fuse in this performance.
Render Ghost觀眾進入帳篷前必須配戴VR顯示器與全身式無塵衣