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Total 4 posts

Born in 1988, Dina has main interest on curatorial work as interplay between theory and practice. In her belief, artistic practice is part of critical knowledge production, yet also contribute to social and political change.

生於1988年,印尼日惹Kunci Culture Studies Center的策展人、研究員,她將策展視為理論和實踐的交互作用,將藝術實踐視為批判性知識生產的一部份,同時計劃前者能促成社會與政治的改變。

Dear listeners, you are now listening to an audio guide for the Taipei New Park, also known as 228 Peace Memorial Park, written by Indonesian artist S...
During my residency in Taipei, I have been looking for archives and references on the connection of Indonesia and Taiwan, both historically and contem...
The Voiceover List (for this excerpt) 1. Main narrator, Sulastri: Nuning 2. Quotes: Dina, Ferdi 3. Instruction: Damayanti 4. Suwarsih’s ending: ...
What is numpang? A friend of mine has been living in a communal house for his whole life. Once he lived in and took care of the headquarters of an art...